The absolute rarity of these moments of fleeting radiance, turning light chasing into a true treasure hunt… The absolute rarity of these moments of fleeting radiance, turning light chasing into a true treasure hunt…
Image made during the most intense light display of the whole 15 day photo-trip in Iceland in September 2017, and probably of the whole year. When nothing could predict it, the overcast sky over the Kerlingarfjoll mountains in the Icelandic highlands suddenly opened some breaches, giving birth to a fleeting yet extremely epic display of warm tinted clouds. Such an honor to witness a moment like this.
Location: Kerlingarfjoll, Iceland highlands
Technical info: Sony a7R + Venus Laowa 12mm | f2.8 | ISO: 100 | Exposure: 30 seconds | Aperture: f11 | Manual focus | FLM Tripod | Nisi: 4 stops medium Grad ND, 4 stops full ND | Wireless remote shutter
All images are available for licensing or sale as print. Contact me for more info.